Sunday 6 May 2012

Hi everyone this is my first blog would like to ask you reply how it is and what can be improvised...

This is the story of a young Muslim boy Allah Bakash who is completed his II PUC(12th standard) from a small college near his house at Bangalore. He is the only person who  has successfully completed II PUC in Science (PCMB) combination in his paternal & maternal relation and also only one to pass successfully from the college this year. Considering he is the best in his family & confident to beat the world with his achievement reaches to find if he can make it to the crack the entrance exams of but unaware how tough they are to solve attempt them with out any prior preparation. Finds it difficult but he has to attempt every question to make it high on scores. He goes with the best trick he has learnt when he used to solve any block road and that is guess work. Having attended all the question he come out of the examination hall check with the geeky students around him to find how did they do it. They suggest it the toughest ever enterance question paper of all the years. And our fellow he ignores that and goes to home and thinks that he will not make it through this entrance. He is unaware of the competition and the effort it requires for any one to crack these exams. There are lakhs of student working hard to crack these examinations and there is this guy who is thinking he can make it through by doing the guess work. What he has towards all these episode is thinking all night about the students comments how tough it was. And to his fortune the toughness of the paper is going to make his guess work better than any one around who had prepared day in and out for these entrance and awareness of this going to make them score less on there confidence and costing them the scores. Let wait for the result which are set to be released on 12th of  May 2012 and what faith has for him and other well prepared entrance students.